Friday, August 15, 2008

"You Can Learn Anything You Need To Know To Remove Any Fear"

By Randy Gilbert

This is the first article in a series answering the question, "How do we overcome our fears?"

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Fear defeats more people than any other one thing in the world."

I want to help you to learn how to overcome the fears that defeat you and hold you back. If you rid yourself of your fears, success and abundance are sure to be your destiny.

The Three Things That Cause Bad Fears
We are told that there are three things that establish the value of a home: location, location, and location. Therefore you look at its proximity to schools, where you work, and important amenities.

Although it sounds a bit crass, there are three things that establish the fears that defeat you: ignorance, ignorance, and ignorance. Our lack of knowledge sets us up for failure.

This is actually good news, because, quoting Brian Tracy "We can learn anything we need to know in order to achieve any goal we set for ourselves." That means, we can overcome ANY fear if we set it as a goal!

During this 3-part series, you will learn how to proactively rid yourself of the fears that keep you from success by removing the "three ignorances" that cause them.

Overcoming The First Ignorance
The first ignorance to overcome is "not knowing about the thing you fear." We naturally fear the unknown. That is not bad in itself. In fact it is a God-given quality. But "unknowns" are meant to help us direct our learning, not hold us back.

You can probably recall many things that you were fearful of until you learned more about them. Learning removes fears.

Consider the example of Christopher Columbus. People were deathly afraid of sailing across the Atlantic. Something that is hard to imagine now. But Columbus learned astronomy and math. He became a ship captain and learned all about navigating. His knowledge gave him a tremendous level of courage that caused him to be fearless. He KNEW that his ships would not sail off the end of the earth.

Our proactive mantra should be, "You can learn anything you need to know to remove any fear."

Honey I Shrunk Your Fears
Stealing from the MGM Movie, you can easily shrink your fears by shrinking the job of learning.

Jim Rohn says the first task of any job is "break it down." Divide and conquer has always been sound advice. Whatever it is that you are trying to accomplish, splitting it up into tasks that can be easily managed will shrink a huge job down so it is not so daunting.

Break down the job of learning into tasks. Decide what you are going to learn first by thinking of what would help you the most right now. Also consider what would help you in learning the other things that you need to learn.

For example, the number one fear of most people is public speaking. The vast majority of people fear it because they never learned how to do it properly. Most of us were thrust into the situation as young children, of being forced to read or recite something in front of a class, most of who were eager for any excuse to laugh or find fault.

You can break down the fear of public speaking by reading about it. I highly recommend Dale Carnegie's books to start with. Oh how I wish I had been taught these principles back in grade school. I had the fear of public speaking. Carnegie's books completely changed my attitude and helped me to rid myself of that fear.

Rid Yourself of the Fear Of Learning
It is sad but true, many people fear the task of learning. And of course you don't have to, not if you start with learning how to learn.

Believe it or not, I was afraid of going into a library. Not as a kid, but as an adult! I already had a college degree, and I didn't know how to use the library. I viewed it as "term paper hell."

Fortunately I'm married to a brave woman who took on the task of educating me and showing me how libraries can be fun and rewarding. Now I'm a "book-aholic" and I spend most of my day either reading or writing or surfing the internet for more great books.

So keep reminding yourself, "You can learn anything you need to know to remove any fear." Make this your mantra and success and abundance will follow.

In the next article of this series we will learn about the second ignorance to overcome, which is "not knowing how to control the thing you fear." You will learn that fear is removed by doing and, "There is always the first time."

About the Author - Randy Gilbert is the author of SUCCESS BOUND, from which portions of this article are extracted. Randy is highly regarded as an authority on Proactive Thinking, which is why he goes by the name "Dr. Proactive." You can contact him at To read summaries of each chapter, see the reviews of other authors and leaders, or to buy his new book go to

Copyright 2001 by Randy Gilbert. Permission is granted to copy, reprint, or host this article on a website, so long as the entire article is used and the author's name and contact information remain unchanged, and "Used by permission" is denoted.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


How dare you tread on sacred ground like that!

He he. I bet that got you going didn't it? :)

You are quite right. How many hours are lost irretrievably by playing games and chatting on line. And for what? If we live to seventy years, that's 613,200 hours of time that we all have. 204,400 are gone with your head stuck to the pillow. 102,200 are gone, scrubbing off germs, feeding the ever growing midriff and using the John. If you are lucky enough to be working a forty hour a week then you will use another 92,000 hours helping your boss get rich. (Assuming you can retire at 65 to enjoy your "twilight years" in poverty.) Another 22,500 hours are gone looking at the backend of the car in front, so you can get to the slave camp to help your boss get rich.

What's left? If you don't watch TV, play games, or chat on the Computer, or surf the net. If you don't take too long to eat and don't count the downtime from sicknness, etc. you have a grand total of: 192,100 hours divided by weeks, equals- 53 hours per week approximately.

Here's the crunch. That's if you live to seventy and right now you are one year old!

Use your time wisely, otherwise when your boss is retired on the fruits of your labour, you might be cleaning the toilet of the resort he decides to stay in!

Didn't take too long to work this out, but it's a sobering thought isn't it!

Best Regards,

Stephan Bourget, Consultant