Monday, August 28, 2006

Want my secret to save $5,400 in taxes each year?


This is one of the simplest and most powerful secrets of the wealthy.

Discover why the US government will become your financial partner in your business. Discover the power of converting not only your small business expenses, but MUCH of your EXISTING PERSONAL EXPENSES to TAX-DEDUCTIBLE BUSINESS EXPENSES.

This alone puts over $5,000 in net tax savings back into your pocket for the average person.


If your business expenses were $260 per month, you would be in POSITIVE CASH FLOW RIGHT AWAY, simply by applying the most basic deductions you are now eligible for!

* A portion of your mortgage or rent;
* A portion of your electric, gas, phone and water bills;
* All of your cell phone bill;
* Dining out, entertainment expenses, family vacations, golf expenses;
* Internet service, computers, phones;
* Medical co pays, prescriptions and other health expenses;
* Automobile expenses (most every mile you drive can be written off);
* Pay your children to monitor the phone, clean house, mow the lawn;
* Pay for the kids’ weddings or college education tax-free!

Are you throwing a dollar bill out your car window every 3 miles you drive?

The average person will save over $5,000 NET by just the most basic ones.

It’s your money…learn to keep it or continue to never see it!

Again, if your business expenses are $260 per month and you are shown how to easily KEEP an extra $400 per month that you were not even seeing with your employment withholding… YOU ALREADY HAVE A POSITIVE CASH FLOW OF $140 per month BEFORE your first penny of profit.

Now you know your business will NEVER be an additional expense to be concerned with!!

You can focus on using the system to build your profits.

We are now getting closer and closer to the deadline for you to benefit from the most popular tax reduction package from Sandford Botkin, CPA, Esq. -- Former IRS Attorney and Senior Tax Law Specialist -- and from the wealth of bonuses I'm adding to it, valued at over $3,300.

I want you to invest in yourself, to free yourself from the rat race, to live a life of greatness and to impact others. I want to have a positive impact on you and on your success. And I hope you do the same with others. It's in that spirit that I offer you this package and the complementary bonuses.

Check it out at

Don't wait -- the offer ends on August 31st, 2006.

So now is the time to invest in yourself, in your education, in your knowledge.

Have a nice day,

Stephan Bourget, consultant

Sunday, August 27, 2006

"Are You Unhappy with Taxes?"

Please read on, because I'm going to reveal you how to get over $3,300 from me in a minute.

This is Stephan Bourget here, from I've managed to create a deal you won't want to miss as it ends this August 31st, 2006 and I'm not sure I'm going to be able to extend or do it again.

Check it out at

Some say I'm foolish to do it, but I really want to give you value and impact your life.

So I've been able to get reduced pricing for you on the most popular tax reduction package from Sandford Botkin, CPA, Esq. -- Former IRS Attorney and Senior Tax Law Specialist. It's an absolute jewel that is going to show you how to save over $5,400 in taxes per year, but I'm not stopping there...

I'm throwing in my own additional bonuses totalling over $3,300, because I want you to have no reason for not getting that information now and missing out on monies you could use otherwise according with your goals and values.

I want you to invest in yourself, to free yourself from the rat race, to live a life of greatness and to impact others. I want to have a positive impact on you and on your success. And I hope you do the same with others. It's in that spirit that I offer you this package and the complementary bonuses.

Check them out now at

Don't wait -- the offer ends on August 31st, 2006.

So now is the time to invest in yourself.

Have a nice day,

Stephan Bourget, consultant