The 4th Pillar of Success: Compensation
The 4th Pillar of Success
Was pillar 3 amazing or what? It is interesting to learn that there are Associations out there that can protect you when choosing a company. There is a lot to learn in this industry and it is hard to condense in to a few words in a few letters cast across cyberspace. My wish is, that you find this informative.
There are 5 key elements that a home based business can be built on. Let me point out that, these elements are crucial in all industries not just the home-based market. We call them the 5 pillars of success. Of those 5 pillars you are only in control of 2. Plus, there is one other ingredient that you must add to the mix to make it all work. I will tell you about that later.
The Pillars are; Timing, Trends, Company, Compensation and Product.
Pillar #4. Compensation.
Is it, "The super-Star space commander bonus paid out on the second full moon of every month?"
OK, I know, some Compensation Plans are hard to understand. Did you know that there are basically 4 different personality types? Depending on what personality type you are will depend on which compensation plan is best for you.
A compensation plan must work for the part-timer as well as the full-timer who wants unlimited income.
There are plans that build wide, wide, wide and only a few levels deep. These are good for those types of people who, like to sell sell sell. Problem with that is that over 90% of the population are sales resistant. They can't stand pushy aggressive sales people.
35% of the population are nurturers. They need a plan where they can help the most people, putting people under people under people to nurture and help those people.
15% of the population just wants to have fun. They need a plan that is fast-paced, exciting, with fast-start money.
35% of the population is detail-oriented number-crunchers. They need to see unlimited income in the leadership position.
15% of the population is all about money. They want to make more money than anybody else. They want a compensation plan that realistically offers Unlimited Income. They will leave you for more money.
In the past few years, models have been created by Universities, which make the perfect fit for the majority. The older network marketing companies are still trying to make those 10, 15, 25 and even 30-year-old plans still work. Those plans had their day and it does not match today's market, technology or social makeup. Distributors had a hard time making them work then, they will have a harder time making them work today.
So what is new? Dual-Linear, fast-start-bonus, pay-to-infinity, matching-check, leader-bonus with Retail capabilities built in, compensation plans. , that is a mouthful. The general idea is it has to fit the majority of people.
Most new companies use software to track and balance all the nuances of the pay plan so that you can promote your business instead of balancing legs, calculate percentages and overlapping levels. If you wish to do your own placements then the software will allow you to do that. Personally, I just want to know how many people I need, to make a residual paycheck every month. If I want a pay raise, how many more people do I need to add.
These are basic principles to be successful. If a business is not easy to do, simple to understand, people won't do it.
"Money and success don't change people; they merely amplify what is already there." - Will Smith
Watch for Pillar 5 - Product
Have a Great and Wonderful Day!
Dan Brooks & Stephan Bourget