Thursday, October 27, 2005


by Stephan Bourget

I've always been a big believer that there's "more than one way to skin a cat." When you go out here on the internet and claim, "I'm here to make people succeed," there's not much that's really unique about your voice. Even the serpent sold eve on the opportunity to get an intelligent advantage, so sincerity gets blurred by all the wolves in sheep's clothing.

One of the lowest blows I see proliferating the internet is specific promises of specific amounts of income, such as, "$2,000 per week guaranteed... $100,000 per year...Etc." These claims are NOT legal. Take a look at any infomercial promising income. They have to carry a disclaimer at the bottom that says, "These results are not typical. You could earn more or less. As with any business enterprise, it involves risk. Rewards are proportionate to an individual's effort. Results will vary."

NO ONE can guarantee an income to anyone else, unless they make that person a salaried employee. But, you're not being offered a salaried position, because that would involve too much bookkeeping, too much taxation, and too many laws from too many countries, states and provinces. Every offer is a simple independent contractor offer, which means, "If you do nothing, you will get nothing. If you get something, because you did something, you are responsible for your own taxes. The company accepts no liability for anything, other than the providing of product, opportunity, and commissions based on successful effort."

Now, does that make you feel like buying? Does that put you in the buying mood?

If you're like most people, that kind of talk turns you off. It takes you OUT of the buying mood. But, that IS the truth.

Anyone telling the truth is at a disadvantage, because people are 100 times more likely to buy a lie, than they are to buy the truth. Advertising has always understood this and has spent trillions glossing over the facts in case after case. Should come as no surprise to you. For example, which toothpaste would you buy? The one that says, "We finally got our toothpaste to stop causing ulcers and it might brighten your teeth a little if you brush three times a day -or- Our super-whitening formula removes plaque, we guarantee it!"

Naturally, you'd buy the second one, because it sounds better. But, the second one still causes stomach ulcers, doesn't whiten any better than the first one, and it's the plaque killing agent in the second one that increases the chances of stomach ulcers. What are you going to do? Ask to take advantage of their refund after 15 years of creating the conditions for a stomach ulcer? There's not even any way to prove that the condition wasn't caused by something else.

So, right away you think, "Well, we need more regulation." We've already tried that. No matter what regulations are passed, it somehow still keeps rolling around to "Caveat Emptor," Let The Buyer Beware.

I saw on the evening news here the other night, the Federal Trade Commission has announced it will be investigating all companies who are selling vitamins, potions, herbs, and meds on the internet, "due to wide-spread misrepresentation and fraudulent claims." Well, of course. How are you going to control the wild claims of distributors spreading whatever messages they want to, all over the internet? Don't know that I'm in favor of this FTC investigation, because their cure might be worse than the internet disease.

What does all this mean, then? Am I saying to go hide in your own little computer cave and take no chances? Of course NOT. Don't be such a chicken. You pay your money and take your chances, like anyone else. All I'm saying is to learn to manage your risk, make your expectations reasonable and don't believe in fairy tales.

Everyone is always disagreeing with everyone else. You can't get aggressive people to believe that someone else will build a downline for them and you can't get passive people to believe that personal initiative will do them any good. You're between the old "rock and a hard place, devil and the deep blue sea, damned if you do and damned if you don't."

So, what does all of this mean? Does it mean that network marketing doesn't work? Does it mean that all opportunities are scams? Of course not. That would be stupid.

Sales pitches should be "taken with a grain of salt" and risk should be accepted as part of the game. If someone or company wants to automatically recruit for you, it doesn't necessarily mean they won't. But, you will get all the results that PASSIVE MARKET produces. People have NO right to embrace the passive marketplace and then demand fast results. If the company has to do everything for everybody, then everybody should kick back and wait for the company's results to catch up with them.

In an AGGRESSIVE MARKET approach, the passive have NO right to join and expect to do nothing. They should NOT be offended by continual prodding to get their butts in gear. Anyone joining any network marketing company should be looking forward to their own LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT. My goodness, not even a factory job will let you take home the bacon, without working your tail off for at least eight hours per day. Network marketing demands much less and the pay is higher, but the effort is NOT non-existant. Nothing in is usually nothing out.

People say they don't have time. But, they have time for eight or more hours per day working in a dead end job, hours of television, social events, drinking and partying, and a wide range of other things. But they don't have an hour per day to create a retirement income? A little time management would be a good thing here, wouldn't it?

"There's more than one way to skin a cat and where there's a will, there's a way." Life will tell you no, until life tells you yes. The people who get the yesses, are burning up the nos at a much faster rate. Rejection is the price of the sale. The people who get the sales are burning up rejections at a faster rate.

So, whether you use MonaVie to make a fortune and live the lifestyle of your dreams, or a little additional paycheck to pay your car or your house, you can be sure MonaVie is WORKING THE ANGLES and "MonaVie provides numerous opportunities for people to benefit financially."

Stephan Bourget, Consultant


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