Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Stephan Bourget's Bio Page

Hi! My name is Stephan, I'm 28 years old and I live in Beauport near Quebec City, Canada. My main language is French, and my second one is English.

After high school, I got an International Baccalaureate in Sciences, with a specialization in French literature, English and Physics. I did it at Petit Séminaire de Québec (Collège François-de-Laval), Quebec City, instead of the regular Cegep's program. The other matters I studied was chemistry, biology, mathematics, physical education, philosophy and knowledge theory. It was an international program supervised by the International Baccalaureate Office (IBO), which is linked to the United Nations Organization. The program is given in many countries around the world and is recognized by over 600 universities around the world.

Since the second year of my International Baccalaureate, I was sleeping less and less, reaching an average of 4 hours a night, sometimes none on my first year at University, then going back to 6 hours a night when I decided to do it in four years instead of three. But by the end of my baccalaureate in Physics, although I have always loved that matter, I decided to get a break because I was noticing other aspects of my life were suffering due to the lack of balance. I was 23, I was tired, I was losing my harmony and I had no social life since I left high school (although very limited during high school also), being a bookworm always in his readings and studies. My spiritual life was also suffering, lacking the time (or maybe not taking it, everyone having 24 hours a day but not the same priorities) to meditate on my place in the Universe.

I was introduced to the prosumerism industry about that time, when I finished University, while I was looking for a summer job. It was not a job, but much better. A new future has been revealed to me, a future that I could take control of in order to achieve my goals and dreams the way I would want to. Everything "clicked" the first time, and I got the vision. I saw the extraordinary potential of this business for myself and others, although my analytic temperament made me take a week to read everything before giving a decision that I had already made the first evening. To get started with no longer waiting was the best decision I could have ever made.

I fell in love with this industry, and a new life of happiness, friendship, passion, discovery and fulfillment has begun since then. I decided that I wanted to take responsibility for my life and my research financing by starting my own home-based business. Also, I always have been concerned for others and that kind of business would let me help others in a great way so I would get a sense of fulfillment in my life. Finally, I found there an opportunity for me to develop myself internally, and I must say that even if I wouldn't have made any penny, just that would have been worth millions.

Because of this business, I'm now more sociable and more balanced. Of course, I still and will always have personal development to make. Achievement is a path that lasts a lifetime. But so much has already been made since my years of schooling. It's awesome. I now have a lot of new friends in different regions that I really care about and that occupies a place in my heart. I'm devoted to their success first as long as they are sincere and willing. My joy comes from seeing them developing themselves and becoming happier. I'm there to make dreams come true.

My only regret is to see so many other people living a painful life and closing their mind to possibilities of getting out of it. This is so simple, although not easy. After all, I believe the biggest challenge of human beings is to change their mindset, their internal programming. But once it is done, everything is possible. Everyone can live a life of abundance, but the work must begins inside of everyone before radiating outward. By living a life of purpose, giving and loving all the time, you get a feeling of fulfillment that brings abundance to you which allows you to give even more. My wish would be that more people understand that.

Of course, I've had to overcome challenges along the road. Success must be built in your mind before getting it in the physical world. I'm grateful to my advisors who helped me improving my self-confidence and communication skills. The first several months, I wouldn't talk to a single person over the telephone and I would try to do everything by email, in foreign countries so for sure I wouldn't have to speak to anyone. I lost many months of business growth because of that, but now I can help my associates to avoid these mistakes would that happen they would start at the same point I was. Today, I'm glad to take the phone and call somebody, and although I develop internationally, this is not a consequence of avoiding local people. You see, relationships is the key in this business, and this can be build either through phone, or even better in person.

So after a while I began talking to people, and I really mean talking. That's when my business began to grow and it never stopped since. What I observed is that your growth is directly proportional to your personal development. So don't expect to get in and get rich quick. This is not the way it works, and you would start with the wrong mindset. Do you want your time and financial freedom? Do you want to get out of the Rat Race? Are you fed up not to have control over your life? How bad do you really want to get out of your present life to build a life of purpose and abundance? Well, commit yourself for 1 to 5 years, work on yourself again and again, make mistakes, help others genuinely and give the best of yourself consistently, for whatever time you make available on a weekly basis. Then things will come to you, tenfold and more. You'll live the life of your dream, or at least get out of the life you live right now, depending on your actual goals and objectives that are good whatever they are since they are yours.

To continue my story, during last months I became a Consultant to the Prosumerism industry and to referral marketers in general, in addition to be a Prosumer myself. Also, I have taught a prosumerism class at college. Now people come to me to know how to grow their business. Of course I still have a lot to learn and improve - everyone has. But I also have a team of very experienced 6-figure and 7-figure income professionals, and a system that is in place to teach people the right things to do. If you are already a home-based business owner, even if you're not a Prosumer, contact me - I might be able to help you, and by the way I don't charge anything. I believe in giving. Life brings back to us what we give to others.

By now, you should know a little more about myself. Ultimately, I plan to become a sophisticated investor and to come back to research in cosmology and a few other fields, at my own pace. I have plans with an associate who also is a scientist to open a research center. But prosumerism will always stay a priority for myself as a mean to provide wellness to others, would it be through health and/or wealth. And I'm committed to work on myself and to become a better leader and a better person as time goes on. Overall, all these goals and dreams of mine converge toward a single thing that has always been vivid in my heart while not really expressed during my hard times of the past: helping others around myself getting their freedom, helping humanity getting better. That is the real purpose of everything.

There is so much, outside of money, that prosumerism can bring to you. I hope you'll become part of this fantastic project and allow me to better know you so we can become true friends, not just business associates, and travel the world together helping others to help themselves.

I wish you the best.

P.A.F. (Peace, Love, Fraternity)


Web: http://www.mynewsuccess.com


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